Monday, April 20, 2009

It's late at night and I can't sleep.....

Well, here is another attempt at me blogging. I think if I just start blogging, maybe it will stick this time. I think I keep trying so hard to be amusing and witty that I lose interest in writing down whatever it is that I wanted to write.

I'm up late and life's little annoyances keep running through my head. Too many to write in one post, but I think I'll write a mission statement. I'm a teacher (well, soon to be anyways) and I need someplace to vent about what's going on in my life as well as what I think about the world.

Personally, I think the world sucks needs improvement. Well, not the world, the people in it. Most of them anyways. Most humans are stupid, self-absorbed, and gullible. Sheep is a pretty good wait to put them. They just follow the person in front of them, never questioning, never having an original thought. It's not just one group in particular. I'm not going to say Republicans are all to blame or it's all the Democrats' fault (or insert any race, religion, interest group, or group of people here). They certainly had their part in the current condition of this planet, but no one group is entirely to blame.

I am not perfect and the previous paragraph certainly doesn't exclude me, however I like to think I am more self aware than most are and I do what I can to be a bastion of reason amidst the sea of idiocy.

I think that's why I want to be a teacher. I want to teach my students to grow up to be questioners rather than followers. I don't really care whether they agree with my views on issues, as long as their view is well thought out and they can substantiate why they think the way they do. Because, boys and girls, irrational people are stupid people.

On that happy note, I'm going to try to sleep.

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